2023 Reflection

It feels weird that this is the end of 2023. I don’t feel like it went fast but it just feels different. The only time it feels fast is when I look back on a rough time and see how far I’ve come from that. So it’s cool to see that progress.

The previous couple of years, I did this Question-type reflection that I made and decided to do it again.

This year was fun and interesting. It definitely had more challenges than we’ve had recently.

During certain times throughout the year, you kind of get perspective. Some things just don’t matter as much as you used to think they did. It’s funny how life happens and you change.

Greatest happenings this year

  • We took Atticus to his first concert. We saw Saint Asonia, Theory of a Deadman, and Skillet.
  • We hosted Easter because my parents went out of town with the youngest siblings. It was fun and the kids had fun too!
  • Winter had her dance recital and had two recital dances. She did great! 🥰
  • We did some gardening this year and it looked really promising until we had a week of 90-100°F plus and killed the plants. We also planted a pear tree. Excited to see how it grows!
  • We had our trip to Adventureland with the kids and some of my siblings.
  • We remodeled Atticus’ room to be more pre-teen and more of what he needs.
  • We had our family reunion, we call it a picnic. We had it in the town our ancestors settled in, in Iowa, from Germany. The kids had fun and there was great food.
  • We went to our first quinceanera for our cousin. It was a lot of fun.
  • AJ and I found a new fun thing to do… Go to the drive-in for date nights.
  • We started remodeling the living room.
  • Winter got her ears pierced.

Smartest decision I made this year

Learning when to seek help and know when to rest.

Three things I need to do less of next year

Being around people who darken my light. (From last year, but still relevant.)


Eat less shitty food

Three things I need to do more of next year

Find and do more of what makes me happy. Find a way to make working out manageable. (This is from last year but still relevant.)

Also, taking breaks and resting when needed.

Eat more real food.

What was the best compliment you received?

I received a compliment on a survey from work and they said how well I did. I was the only one running transactions and had a full drive up and lobby. They said that I did a good job of going back and forth from the lobby and drive up to try and help everyone and get through customers.

What new restaurants did you try this year?

These were the new ones we went to as a whole family: Gilroy’s, and DJ’s Dugout

New for the kids: Orsi’s New for Atticus: Timber and Blatt Beer & Table
New places that AJ and I went to: Spencer’s, 402 Eat + Drink, Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse, Railcar, Mouth of the South, Pasta Amore, Blatt Beer & Table, Stokin Goat

What new skills did you learn?

I don’t think I learned a new skill this year…

How kind were you to yourself?

I was kind to myself. I’ve been more on the “do what’s best” train for a while. If I feel like I need to take a break, I’m going to take the break. Rest has been my biggest thing these past 6 months.

What are you most thankful for?

Family, the friends that we keep in touch with, and good doctors.

What were your greatest disappointments?

I would say that it’s stopping working out again and gaining weight back. I went through some things and I just couldn’t recover and get back to it.

What did you overcome?

Anxiety. Anxiety, I don’t think is ever going to go away but I’ve had some really unusually low moments this year. I’ve been doing some digging and learning and I feel so much better. I want to continue to learn and keep up the hard work and continue to make my life better.

What energized you? What drained you?

My health. I love learning stuff and knowing stuff but it also can really negatively affect me.

How do you describe this year in three to five keywords?

Emotional, learned, restorative

What shows did you get into?

Good Omens 2… I’m not sure I really started watching anything else.

Top songs and artists this year

Top Artists: 1. Post Malone 2. Beartooth 3. Fall Out Boy 4. Skillet 5. Asking Alexandria
Top Songs: 1. Mourning (Post Malone) 2. Sunshine! (Beartooth) 3. Riptide (Beartooth) 4. Sunflower (Swae Lee and Post Malone) 5. Chemical (Post Malone)

I have to say, I’m surprised by this. I didn’t realize I listened to these songs that much. I knew Mourning would be up there because Winter always asks to listen to it. Oh well. My kids like to tell me what to play in the car.

Most embarrassing moment of the year?

Nothing comes to mind…

How was your birthday? Favorite Holiday?

For my birthday, we didn’t really do anything. AJ bought me a cake from the store that was a ghost and it said Boo! on it. My birthday was on a Tuesday and we had tacos.

On Halloween, it was freezing. AJ and I took the kids to a trunk or treat about a week or so before Halloween. We didn’t plan to be out trick or treating very long on the actual night. We did do a loop around except for going up a few houses on certain streets. My feet were so cold. Atticus was a blue Fall Guy (from a video game), Winter was Harry Potter, and Roux was a ghost. Our neighbor next-door told Atticus he had the best costume of the night and to wait at the door for a minute. He came back and gave him a Burger King crown. Atticus thought that was pretty cool. He still has the crown in his room. We don’t go to or eat Burger King and the crown is new for him. We were out for about an hour and fifteen minutes and the kids got a lot of candy for the short amount we were out.

What’s something you started doing this year?

Resting when needed and going to the doctor.

Top five most viewed blog posts

Easy Halloween Wreath

My Love Hate Relationship with Summer

Pumpkin Kisses & Harvest Wishes

Free Write Friday 2/24/23

5 Outfits I Wore Recently

My Favorite Posts This Year

10 Things I Know to be Absolutely Certain

Weird Date Night

Our New Year’s Eve plans include finishing a puzzle we started today, watching a movie, playing games, eating a ton of snacky foods, having a drink, and hanging out with the kids. Winter said we’re having a party, and then I told AJ, we need to make it feel like a party. AJ and I were laughing uncontrollably about how many “snacky foods” he bought at the store yesterday. Dinner will be meats and cheese, shrimp cocktail, lil weenies, meatballs, smoked cream cheese, crackers, pretzels, etc. Just a fun night in for the fam!

I hope everyone has a safe and fun night!

See you next year! 💋

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