New Year Goals 2024

Happy New Year!🎉

I’ve been thinking about the new year and seeing where I want to be and what I want to do. I’ve also been reflecting on my goals from last year and I honestly didn’t follow through with them the way I wanted to.

I did a few things that touched on a couple of them but I don’t feel they were significant progress. I would’ve liked to dive deeper into some of the things. I wanted to write more. I didn’t touch a single story, nor did I do a single writing competition. I know there were a few I wanted to do but the dates didn’t work out because we had things going on and I just knew it would be too much to try and handle. Maybe this year it will be different.

Goals and Intentions

Creative: I just want to create things. AJ bought me a camera and I want to dive into learning how to take great pictures. Writing and painting too, of course.

Health: Continuing on my journey to a better me and family. I’ve been learning more and more about food. I’m going to continue making food changes for myself and family. I fell off the working out swing about six months ago. I want to maybe find something else… Not sure yet but I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit. I also I want to try and grow more food and utilize produce stands as much as possible. I want to make fresh and probably can food too with all the fresh food.

House: We are trying to make updates and small remodels where we can. We need to focus on one thing at a time rather than kind of being a bit everywhere. We started something before Christmas and it’s about 50% done. I’m not completely sure where our focus will be but we are gonna keep rolling with it.

Change and Growth:

I have talked to my manager about advancing at work. I think it’s time to start that process. If I don’t, I’m not growing or learning anything new. It will be an array of emotions. I’ve also found myself in wanting to get rid of A LOT of my clothes. I am tired of some of the things I have. I don’t wear all of them and some just have sat there for years. I want to continue to update my wardrobe and better use the clothes I have. I can’t do that while holding onto a lot of unused things.

I think overall, I can sum up how I want my year to go by these two images.


Let’s see how the year unfolds! Happy New Year!


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