Unmotivated and Writer’s Block

It’s been a slow start to the year with writing. It’s strange, honestly. I usually have enough things happening and thoughts to turn into something to write about. I’ve just been coming up empty.

It’s frustrating because I enjoy writing and getting thoughts out on paper. But like I said, I’ve just had this writer’s block. I’m not sure why I feel this way either. I have felt overwhelmed by other life stuff but I’m not sure that would make me not want to write.

I’ve even thought, ok, what if I try writing out a story or something creative and I haven’t felt that spark either. I’m hoping to pop out of this funk soon and get back to it. I’ll be trying some free writes for sure. I’m not sure if I’ll publish all of them but it will be interesting to see what comes of them. They really do work. I’ve had sparks of inspiration from my free writing. I love to see it.

I thought I would give this little update about my writer’s block and my attempt/s to get going again.

Thank you for continuing to read and be faithful to my blog! Any encouragement will be gladly received. ✌️


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2 replies to “Unmotivated and Writer’s Block

  1. You got this girl! I totally feel your sentiment about wanting to be able to write but not being motivated to do so. I’m not the best person to give advice because I am cyclic in my hobbies. So if I am struggling with one thing I usually switch gears to something completely different for a while, like reading a book, playing a video game, or binging an anime. I’ve read that professional writers set a time limit and make themselves sit and write, even when they don’t want to. I’m sure it’s to build the writing habit, but it seems like a form of torture to me. lol. I posted some ideas about clearing writer’s block on my discord if you’re interested. Maybe we can do some writing together? Remember doing group writing in school? That could be fun for us to try!

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    1. It’s funny because I had this cued to be posted and then you shared your discord. I was like, she read my mind lol. We could try some writing together. We could try one of those pieces where someone starts and then it’s handed off to someone else and so on. That could be fun. Or if we want to just do it between us we can. Kind of get some juices flowing.


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