Work, ER Visits, and Writing Comps, OH, MY!

It’s been wild. It’s been almost a month and we still don’t have a manager yet. Apparently, it’s a whole new process to hire a manager. It’s nerve-wracking because it’s going to be a good fit or it’s going to be a terrible fit. We are doing the best we can though. I’m learning as much as I can, in my new role as a banker. It’s tough. I told my co-worker that without an extra person, it’s hard to shadow someone. It’s holding back my growth.

I learned how to do some maintenance, opened a few accounts, a CD, and sold a credit card over the teller line. I opened a checking, savings, and a CD for a newly married couple. My co-worker shadowed me on it and he asked how it felt. I said it felt weird. I’m still learning how to do it so I’m not quite there with the comfort of having a good conversation while doing so. I felt like it was awkward. It wasn’t very flowy. I know it will come with time but I didn’t like how that felt, especially as someone who has been there as long as I have.

In a matter of one week, we had a visit to the Children’s ER and a priority care visit for strep throat. I mean, it comes with the territory, right? I was painting at one end of the kitchen table and Winter was sitting down and getting stuff situated at the other end to eat lunch. She bent down to pick up her cord for her tablet and when she went to stand back up, slammed the back of her head on the table. The sound of it concerned me and she was crying immediately. I was consoling her, moving hair out of her face and holding her head and rubbing her head. I moved my hand away and I had blood on my hand. I hurried and grabbed a paper towel and placed it on her head. It was bleeding so bad. I tried to look at it and I just saw a pool of blood.

I grabbed more paper towels as the first one just bled through right away. I yelled for Atticus to come into the kitchen to call AJ on my phone because I was holding Winter’s head. As I’m trying to tell AJ what happened, I started to kinda get dizzy and fainty feeling. I literally said, “I think I’m going to pass out.” AJ was just getting off work. I was still holding Winter’s head and we walked to the couch so I could sit more comfortably and try to relax. At this point, Winter is calm. AJ was still on the phone to monitor from afar. I began sweating so bad and feeling so hot. It didn’t even happen to me but I was going through it for like 10 minutes.

Let me say, that I’ve never had anything close to this happen to any of my kids. This is the first time. Although, this is the second time I’ve ever had to have a kid taken to the ER and it’s been Winter both times. Not the kid anyone would expect.

By the time AJ got home, he had been trying to call and see if Priority Care could do stitches because we weren’t sure exactly how bad this cut was. We were told the best choice would be to go to Children’s in case anything else needed to be done since she hit her head. Children’s has a priority care but they weren’t open so we had to go to the hospital. A couple hours later, she was checked and they said everything looked fine and no stitches or staples were needed.

A few days later, Atticus comes into the kitchen and says, “My throat hurts, I think I have strep.” Ugh, so I checked his throat and I said we can watch it and let me know if he keeps hurting or gets worse. If you know Atticus, you know that he gets strep A LOT. In that moment, I should’ve just said ok, let’s take you in. But I didn’t. I didn’t actually think he had it. Then a couple days later he said it hurts when he swallows. I should’ve just trusted him. The next day I told AJ, we had to take him in. Sure enough, it’s strep. He literally had it last month. The PA that was there was the same one he saw last month. She even said you had this last month. I think it’s time to seriously talk about getting his tonsils out. He got strep, in the summer of 2020… We weren’t doing anything, going anywhere, or seeing anyone. I have no idea how he got it. He even had strep and had no symptoms. It doesn’t surprise me anymore. It’s just crazy.

I’ve done my first writing competition of the year. It’s been a while since I’ve done one. One of my friends signed up to do it as well. It was a 100-word limit and 24 hours to submit it. I got romance as my genre. I haven’t had that one yet. I’m just glad I didn’t get political satire. My friend really didn’t want ghost story and she ended up getting it. It’s a challenge and I wrote mine as a letter. I hope they enjoy it and I’m excited to see my feedback. I’m not sure if I’ll move on to the next round. It’s hard to tell what the judges will like and dislike. I’ve felt really good about some stuff and the judges can really like it but you just don’t make the cut. I’d like to make it to the next round but we will see.

I mean, if I’m being honest here… this was one week and I’m leaving out a bunch of other stuff that has been going on as well. I just want some time to get stuff done around the house that needs attention, actually do my laundry, make progress on this painting, get a pedicure, bake stuff because I want to, and just not have somewhere to be. We are not slowing down either. We already have probably like half of our May weekends booked already. I’m looking forward to it but not at the same time. I want to have the feeling of not needing to go anywhere for anyone. I miss that.

Anyway… how are you? Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking breaks? I hope you’re well.


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9 replies to “Work, ER Visits, and Writing Comps, OH, MY!

  1. Since you’ve done with writing contests before, what kind of feedback do they give on entries? Is it like a one sentence review or what?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s usually three judges. They will give you feedback on what they liked and what they think you did well on. And then they will give critiques and what they think you could’ve done better. I’ve found the feedback helpful and tried to put those things into my future competitions and writing.


  2. Busy! My May is filling up as well. I am sorry the bank has been short staffed. As for Winter’s head bonk, when Pammy had a cast off she had a faux seizure. After it was established she was okay, I almost passed out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely been something else. Omg, why did she have a faux seizure? I haven’t heard of that. I probably would’ve almost passed out too! Glad you both are ok!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Her blood pressure drops low suddenly it can happen. She passes out from it too, it is called something I cannot remember. So her arm was in a cast 6 weeks, they cut the cast, her arm was pail, scarred, shriveled, and she started to pass out and then….it was terrifying. I kept it together, but once I knew she was okay, the doctor saw her and reassured me, I kind of crumbled.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh geez… Well at least you know about it and hopefully gage or be prepared for something like that to happen. I’m sure it was terrifying. It’s really the strange things like this that we don’t think about as moms. ❤️


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