Blogmas 2019 Day 17

So, I’m back to trying to get more wrapping done. Little at a time until it’s all done.

My kids have just been playing around while I do it. I happen to finish a roll of wrapping paper and hadn’t thrown it away yet. We were all goofing around and Winter grabbed one of the rolls that still had paper and starting hitting Atticus with it. They were both laughing.

I told her to put that one back and we grabbed the one that is going on the trash. We all have been hitting each other with it and yelling and laughing through the tube.

We’re all laughing and enjoying being goofy.  It’s funny how their imagination sets in. No technology, just a cardboard tube that’s going to end up in the trash. A sword, a stick, an instrument, a telescope…

These are the things I want them to remember. The silly moments that create everlasting memories. No matter how cheesey it sounds. Real talk, I’m sure you have memories just like this.

Now, back to our adventures!

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