Be Grateful and Humble

It’s November! Spooky season is over and now it’s time for gratitude and thanksgiving. AJ had started putting away the Halloween decorations and I said wait, that pumpkin can stay out. He was a little confused but it’s still Fall and pumpkins are relevant in November… Hello, pumpkin pie!

I’m not a huge bucket list person but a priest I follow posted this and I just felt connected to a lot of these things on this list.

I love everything on this list and hope to do a little of everything. I am not planning a Friendsgiving. I don’t know that I could handle that. I just go from October birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter’s birthday, and then Christmas. It’s already busy. What I will try to do, is get a dinner date planned with a friend.

This list is really manageable. Definitely the ‘list of choices’ when you want a list but lists can sometimes be hard. But we are not super heroes and something as simple as a list can humble you real quick. We aren’t meant to do everything and that’s ok.

This next image I found, I liked too but it’s not as good as the first one. I still wanted to include it for ideas and they aren’t bad things by any means. I just have a lot going on all the time so if I make a list of things that only physically need done, I know I’m not gonna make it through the list.

It’s still a good list. I do need to go through my clothes, again. There’s too many things just sitting taking up space. I’m looking forward to baking! I’m preparing a mental list because holiday baking is serious business. I’m hoping to get ahead of the game but we will see. I have some days coming up that I’ll be home from work.

I’m mostly excited about all the hygge. I’ve been spending my couch time with one of my Unhide blankets. If you know, you know. They are amazing. I have four of them and feel like I should toss the rest of my blankets. Kidding but kinda, not really… I mean, I won’t…

I’ll finish this by saying that I’m not decorating my tree until after Thanksgiving. I’m a realist. Do you set up your Christmas tree before or after Thanksgiving? What are you focusing on and doing during this season of thanksgiving? I’d love to hear what you have going on!


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