A Weird Twist of Events

Well… Guys… There have been many times since my last post Bittersweet: Good and Bad News that I’ve found myself unsure of what to say or do. It’s been wild. I’ll start from the beginning. If you know me personally, then you probably know more than what I’m going to put out here but that’s also to protect myself and others. Some of this information is fragile. Some of it is too close and I’m choosing to word things the way that I am to protect my personal location and where I live.

The days leading up to April 26th were buzzing with news that we were going to have severe weather. I was at work and we had started to hear that Lincoln was having tornados on the ground. AJ had gotten home minutes before the kids got home after school. The sirens were going off for us to take shelter.

I pulled up the news station to watch the radar. I called over one of my coworkers and we realized we were in the middle of two tornadoes forming. They were minutes away from us. We then all started to get nervous. AJ and I were texting back and forth. When we looked outside we could see a big black wall moving. Our lights at work flickered but we remained safe and unharmed.

After everything had passed out of our area, the tornado continued through to Iowa too. That’s when everyone realized how much damage this caused. So many people lost their homes. My old boss was sending pictures of his house. People I know personally, completely devastated. Cemetery’s lost headstones off of graves. Peoples belongings were everywhere. Things from Omaha were found in cities in Iowa.

We always think it’s never going to be as bad as it is. Man, this is not what anyone expected. We were able to leave work early after the tornado had passed. I couldn’t get home. They blocked it off. I went to my sister’s house. My parents were there watching her kid, as she was in the hospital, in labor to have her baby.

Our house was damaged by the tornado. Part of our fence is gone, a mulberry tree completely destroyed, another tree had limbs come down on the roof and our deck, breaking parts of the deck, and a window. We lost power shortly before the tornado, on Friday and didn’t get power back until Monday afternoon. We had a lot of help with everything. We’ve had to buy a generator and a new fridge. Our fridge wasn’t keeping things cold after everything. Insurance said they could have someone repair it but they would have to prove that it was caused from the tornado event. 🤦🏻‍♀️

All of this is frustrating beyond belief. Insurance came out and well, it’s something. So many people have said they’re fighting with their insurance companies. People coming into the bank with insurance checks and hearing their stories. It’s a lot. It feels like this is going to take all summer to get it all done.

In the midst of all of this… No one died. There were some people with minor injuries but everyone is ok. Can we talk about how huge that is!? People were in their houses and were completely destroyed and almost all came out unharmed!

I think the saddest part is how traumatized the kids are and not just mine. School was back to normal on Monday. The kids got to see their friends and talk about what happened. Winter was telling me about friends in her class who lost their homes and their things.

At dance, a couple moms checked in and we all talked about what happened and how we were doing. One grandma that usually takes one of the girls told me, her granddaughter told her to close the blinds because she didn’t like the way the trees were blowing.

Winter and Roux are getting better. One of the first thunderstorms after the tornado, they almost started crying because they were scared it was raining. Winter had woken up in the middle of the night from thunder, a different time, and was crying and freaking out.

It really hasn’t helped that we’ve had about three or four tornado warnings since April 26th. We actually had two on the same day in May. One early morning before school. I had to wake up Atticus and Winter about lost it. Then again that afternoon, while the kids were at school. 🤦🏻‍♀️

A lot of customers at work and even my coworkers have all said, can we just get a break? It’s just the beginning of Summer!

I’ve been talking with the kids about praying and asking their guardian angels to watch over them. It’s been stressful but we are getting through it.


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4 replies to “A Weird Twist of Events

    1. I think part of it is that sentimental attachment. You think this thing is going to be there forever and you can go back to it at some point but then it’s gone. It’s also a lot of time. The only thing we’ve done or has been done so far is buying a new trampoline. It’s hard to get things going when you work full time, have a family, and maintain a house. It’s a lot of work. So it’s also exhausting. And thank you!


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